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Examples of Pulmonary Function Test Reading on Graph

A typical Pulmonary Function written report normally has iv and sometime five sections.

  • Demographics
  • Test results
  • Graphs
  • Estimation
  • Trends (less commonly included)

Although the order that these sections are placed on a study volition vary a lot from one Pulmonary Function Lab to some other, demographics volition always be starting time.


At the very least the demographics section of your report should include:

  • Patient identification (your name and hospital identification number)
  • Gender
  • Age and/or date of nascence
  • Height and weight
  • Race or ethnicity

In order to make sense of your exam results they must exist compared with normal values. Your normal values volition be based on your gender, age, height and race or ethnicity. Exercise non hesitate to speak up if any of the demographic values on your report are wrong because this may cause your expected normal values to be incorrect and could lead to your test results being mis-interpreted.

There are audio physiological reasons why these values matter. Gender matters considering men have bigger lungs than women practise. Historic period matters because lung part peaks around historic period 20 and declines thereafter. Height matters because taller people accept bigger lungs. Although race/ethnicity is a sensitive bailiwick for many people, information technology matters because Caucasians tend to have larger lungs than Asiatics and blacks. Surprisingly enough, while weight tin accept an outcome on lung capacity it is non useful in determining normal values for lung function.

Test Results:

Test results are e'er placed in a table. Specific tests are always in rows and the way they are assessed is e'er in columns. There is no standard for the guild of either the rows or the columns. For every test there volition be columns for:

  • Observed test outcome (what your test results actually were)
  • Predicted exam outcome (what should be normal for y'all)

In that location are two ways to assess the relationship between your observed and predicted results; pct predicted and Lower Limit of Normal (LLN). Depending on which of these the Pulmonary Function lab has called to use, there will be a column for:

  • Percentage predicted (what percent the observed test outcome was of the predicted result)


  • Lower Limit of Normal (how low the observed test result can be and still be considered normal)

Since tests can be repeated after you have been given a medication similar an Asthma inhaler, there may too be columns for:

  • Post-medication test consequence
  • Post-medication percentage predicted
  • Pct change (how the mail-medication test issue differs from the baseline consequence)

For instance, a table in a report with Spirometry test results could look like this:


Or information technology could await like this:


Or it could look like this:


What'south normal?

Normal values come from population studies from many unlike parts of the world with different mixes of ages, genders and races or ethnicities. For every Pulmonary Function test there are always a number of different population studies to choose from. Although the organizations that set standards for Pulmonary Office testing (the American Thoracic Gild and the European Respiratory Society) have fabricated recommendations concerning the selection of population studies every Pulmonary Part Lab volition choose a prepare of studies that it believes best matches the people information technology tests.

Equally already mentioned, at that place are two different ways to determine whether test results are normal:


The Lower Limit of Normal (LLN) is a concept based on statistical assay. Any test effect that is above the LLN is considered to be normal. Although in that location are many reasons why the LLN is a scientifically valid mode to assess test results this is withal an surface area of debate in Pulmonary Medicine.

When a test result is beneath the LLN, then the severity of the decrease is unremarkably assessed by the result'south percent predicted value.

Percent Predicted:

Normal results are based on the pct of the expected (predicted) normal value, which for most tests is fourscore% and to a higher place. This is to some extent quite arbitrary only several decades of experience has shown that it does seem to lucifer individual clinical conditions quite well.

What'south normal for Spirometry?

The most important results from a Spirometry test are:

  • FVC (the total amount of air you were able to blow out)
  • FEV1 (the corporeality of air you were able to blow out in the offset second)
  • FEV1/FVC ratio (the ratio between the amount of air y'all were able to accident out in the first second versus the full amount of air y'all could accident out)


What's normal for Static Lung Volumes:

The most of import results from a Static Lung Volume test are:

  • TLC (the total amount of air inside your lungs at the end of a maximal inhalation)
  • RV (the amount of air left in your lungs afterwards a maximal exhalation)


What's normal for Diffusing Capacity (DLCO)?

The nearly important value from a Diffusing Capacity examination is the DLCO, corrected for hemoglobin.



The results from most Pulmonary Part tests tin can be shown as a graph. The near important purpose for these graphs is that they tin assist the technician performing tests and the physician reading tests to quickly appraise test quality. The way the results look in graphs can too occasionally assist in diagnosing specific lung diseases.

Reading the graph for a test ofttimes requires extensive technical cognition and feel. This can exist quite complicated and in that location are no simple rules.


When test results are below normal, they can used to indicate 1 or more of several weather:

Airway Obstacle:

When airway obstruction is present this will mean that you lot can't accident your air out equally fast as you should be able to. Airway obstruction can be a symptom of Asthma, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis and many other conditions.

Lung Restriction:

When lung restriction is present this ways that you lot can't expand your lung as much as you should be able to. Lung restriction can be a symptom of Pulmonary Fibrosis, Sarcoidosis, ALS and many other conditions.

Gas exchange defect:

When a gas substitution defect is present this means that your lung is not able to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide every bit effectively as yous should be able to. A gas exchange defect tin exist a symptom of a Pulmonary emboli, Emphysema, Pulmonary Fibrosis and many other atmospheric condition.


As much as you may want a clear and definitive diagnosis, it is oft not possible to be specific. In that location is a keen deal of overlap between dissimilar lung diseases and oftentimes the best that a Pulmonary Function test can practice is to dominion out certain atmospheric condition.

Computerized interpretations:

Many of the test systems used in doctor's offices and in clinics will include a computer interpretation of your test results. These interpretations are necessarily simplistic and their accuracy is very dependent on the quality of the test results. A computerized estimation should be reviewed by a qualified professional before it becomes function of your medical record.


Pulmonary Role reports occasionally include trends which allows current results to exist compared to prior results. This is particularly important when an individual needs to take regular testing.

When reading a trend report it is important to realize that results normally change by small amounts from visit to visit. In general a change that is less than 10% from a prior visit is not considered to be pregnant.

It is also important to realize that all test results refuse naturally with age. The amount of alter within a single year is small but this becomes an important consideration when results from ten or more years apart are compared.

Trending is a less common add-on to Pulmonary Function reports because many of the simpler testing systems practice not store their examination results. It is also important to remember that it is not possible, at least at the nowadays time, to trend results from tests performed at different Pulmonary Function labs.

Creative Commons License
PFT Patient by Richard Johnston is licensed nether a Artistic Eatables Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
