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You Where a Good Salesman and I Was a Good Dreamer

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At first, I turned away from this book because of the title. I assumed it was a guide to exploitation and hoarding. Actually, it's a spiritual book. There's even a whole chapter on love. But throughout it is also about sales.

pg 88 - 89
Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk.
A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.
A cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine.
A cut of sheep's hair touched with

At first, I turned away from this book because of the title. I assumed it was a guide to exploitation and hoarding. Actually, it's a spiritual book. There's even a whole chapter on love. But throughout it is also about sales.

pg 88 - 89
Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
A mulberry leaf touched with the genius of man becomes silk.
A field of clay touched with the genius of man becomes a castle.
A cyprus tree touched with the genius of man becomes a shrine.
A cut of sheep's hair touched with the genius of man becomes raiment for a king.
If it is possible for leaves and clay and wood and hair to have their value multiplied a hundred, yea a thousandfold by man, cannot I do the same with the clay which bears my name?

Here's one about limiting factors:
pg 100
I ask not for gold or garments or even opportunities equal to my ability; instead, guide me so that I may acquire ability equal to my opportunities.

Pete Grondin
Mar 15, 2009 rated it it was amazing
I listened to the audio book and was surprised. I was expecting a high intensity instruction book on selling and closing the sale. As you all know, or should learn, is that The Greatest Salesman in the World is miles away from that perception. I am reading the first scroll now, and am on day 16. If you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, you should. It's an easy read. It has the potential to change your life. I listened to the audio book and was surprised. I was expecting a high intensity instruction book on selling and closing the sale. As you all know, or should learn, is that The Greatest Salesman in the World is miles away from that perception. I am reading the first scroll now, and am on day 16. If you've read the book, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, you should. It's an easy read. It has the potential to change your life. ...more
Marty Ritz
Jun 01, 2012 rated it it was amazing
I've been reading this book for the last 2.5 years, 3 times/day every day. What I thought was good about this book was scroll #1. Scroll #1 gave the secret to changing everything in your life, so I read it over and over and over again. I then read scrolls #2-#10 as a result of reading scroll #1. I read each of them over and over and over again, as a result of reading scroll #1. I've been repeating this process over and over again and what I've come to the conclusion of is this; there is much val I've been reading this book for the last 2.5 years, 3 times/day every day. What I thought was good about this book was scroll #1. Scroll #1 gave the secret to changing everything in your life, so I read it over and over and over again. I then read scrolls #2-#10 as a result of reading scroll #1. I read each of them over and over and over again, as a result of reading scroll #1. I've been repeating this process over and over again and what I've come to the conclusion of is this; there is much value in the Habit you create when you read this book in the prescribed way the book says to read it. I now have 3 blocks of time set aside during the day, everyday, which I did not have before I started reading this book. I cannot lose them when I finish reading the book (because I made them a Habit), but I can fill them with another personal development/mind re-conditionning system if I so choose to. Why? Well, because I've created that space 3/day (Habit) in which I can now create any new or other Habits. Now that's of value! ...more
Colin McKay Miller
Aug 15, 2012 rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: No one
Recommended to Colin by: My boss
Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in the World starts off fairly harmless—in that vague, Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist self-help kind of way—but by the end, I found it rather detestable.

The Greatest Salesman in the World isn't actually about sales; it's more of a 'secrets of success' book. It centers in on Hafid, a wealthy old man who's looking to give away his prized possession of 10 scrolls of successful salesmanship to a rightful heir. Each of these 10 scrolls contains a principle like "Pers

Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in the World starts off fairly harmless—in that vague, Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist self-help kind of way—but by the end, I found it rather detestable.

The Greatest Salesman in the World isn't actually about sales; it's more of a 'secrets of success' book. It centers in on Hafid, a wealthy old man who's looking to give away his prized possession of 10 scrolls of successful salesmanship to a rightful heir. Each of these 10 scrolls contains a principle like "Persist until you succeed" and yes, the short book winds up sharing each of these scrolls. It's not quite as broad as allegory, but it's still ambiguous enough that it's an everyman's guide to success. In many ways, you fill it in based on who you are—your challenges, your values, your goals—and that's where I ran in to problems (so I'll be ranting a wee bit long in this review).

While I don't think The Greatest Salesman in the World is the type of book you can spoil, as I'll give away certain parts in the upcoming paragraphs, consider this your warning. The book contains several blunt Christian undertones—so blunt, in fact, that I think you'd have to be dense to miss them. At first, I figured many readers would feel like they got a bait and switch, as the book isn't exactly labeled as Jesus-tastic, but by the end I found it quite offensive. To be fair, Christian books live in a weird universe when it comes to criticism. As you can't possibly cover every theological angle in a book, you're unfortunately always open to criticism, but on the flip side, by that same measure, you always have a shield against that criticism, too. Given that I'm a Jesus lovin' fella and this is my review, this is the area where things get awkward:

Late in the read, the Apostle Paul—yeah, Paul from the New Testament—shows up and gets these 10 secrets of success scrolls from Hafid. Now I didn't pounce on the chapter about kinda sorta praying to an ambiguous God doing something somewhere—as I figured it was part of this catch-all, sell a million copies by being vague routine—but I'll rip on this specific point: The inference is that the Apostle Paul 'successfully' spread the good news of Jesus because he was a great salesman who believed in himself, see? Not because God worked through him, but because Paul learned these 10 fancypants scrolls. Given that the Bible teaches that God wants people to get to know Him—and that, thankfully, isn't based on any man's work, good or shoddy—you can see how this effort message is a problem. But this is what irks me: The Greatest Salesman in the World is the type of nebulous philosophy book coated by 'God wants you to be successful' Christianity that I can see it being dreadfully popular in the western church. Sure, God cares about your desires and dreams and who He made you to be. Additionally, He not only likes hard work, He usually honors it (as covered by books in the Bible like Proverbs), but there's more to the equation than just you. If you haven't noticed, the world is a vast, messed up place full of questions, so if you make your faith all about how you can be really, really good at something, you're likely missing what Jesus is all about.

Hebrews 11 lists a bunch of faithful people in the Bible. It says a peculiar thing about them (listing verse 13 here, but verses 39-40 also cover it): "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth." The point is, there was more than their desires, and even with things God promised them, they didn't get them before they died. So if God didn't give the things He promised to the people apparently on the right track in this life, why would He somehow guarantee the things that aren't promised, like a successful business or a happy-go-lucky existence? Again, God likes hard work, a successful business can be a blessing, and yeah, The Greatest Salesman in the World advocates giving to the poor, but all of this is rather short sighted. Maybe if the book were less blunt in its Christian overtones I'd pass it off as that 'vague sells' point I've been harping on, but it's specific enough on this aspect to be dangerous. For most people, they won't view it that way, but when it comes to me and my review, I'm chucking Og Madnino's philosophy far away. One star and boot across the room.

Jean Marie Angelo
I read this book 25 years ago on a business trip to Chicago. Not beverage service, turbulence, nor a thunderstorm could get me to look up from it. I think I read it in a day. The flight attendant asked about it at the end of the flight. "That must be one very good book," she said. It is. Mandino gets pigeon-holed for being an "inspirational" writer, which takes in down a notch in some literary circles. It is a shame. He writes very gripping stories about the spritual truths that we all confront. I read this book 25 years ago on a business trip to Chicago. Not beverage service, turbulence, nor a thunderstorm could get me to look up from it. I think I read it in a day. The flight attendant asked about it at the end of the flight. "That must be one very good book," she said. It is. Mandino gets pigeon-holed for being an "inspirational" writer, which takes in down a notch in some literary circles. It is a shame. He writes very gripping stories about the spritual truths that we all confront. ...more
Jul 15, 2010 rated it it was amazing
Probably the most inspiring book i've ever read.
This is written by a guy who had the most difficult life, as a travelling salesman, he experienced some serious difficulties and became an alcoholic, lost his wife and became homeless.
He picked himself up, became a writer and achieved huge success.

I was reading it at a very challenging time, when I was selling books door-to-door over a summer at University and I absorbed the principles of the book. It gave me motivation when I was struggling to co

Probably the most inspiring book i've ever read.
This is written by a guy who had the most difficult life, as a travelling salesman, he experienced some serious difficulties and became an alcoholic, lost his wife and became homeless.
He picked himself up, became a writer and achieved huge success.

I was reading it at a very challenging time, when I was selling books door-to-door over a summer at University and I absorbed the principles of the book. It gave me motivation when I was struggling to continue knocking on doors. It helps one to develop all the character traits needed to be a success in any market.

It, together with the experience at the time, has changed my life...

Apr 09, 2009 rated it it was amazing
WOW, only 110 pages but not one word was wasted. There is something about these older books that just blow my mind. It was in the 60's and written about B.C. time frame and the principles that were true in that time are still true today. "The secret", "Think and Grow Rich", "Rich Dad Poor Dad", and countless others teach a lot of the same concepts and they are all true!! If you vision it, if you are positive, if you act, if you keep trying, if you give back, ... it well come true.
"Your desire t
WOW, only 110 pages but not one word was wasted. There is something about these older books that just blow my mind. It was in the 60's and written about B.C. time frame and the principles that were true in that time are still true today. "The secret", "Think and Grow Rich", "Rich Dad Poor Dad", and countless others teach a lot of the same concepts and they are all true!! If you vision it, if you are positive, if you act, if you keep trying, if you give back, ... it well come true.
"Your desire to succeed has to be greater than your fear of failure" - WOW, it's that simple people. Find your goal and never give up.
Dec 28, 2013 rated it liked it
This book had lots of great information, but it was told in a story setting that annoyed me. I'd prefer just a list. When the book was written in 1968, Og Mandino was the most widely read inspirational ansd self-help author in the world. He believed that "failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeeed is strong enough." The life lessons were told in scrolls that were opened:
1. Today I begin a new life.
2. I will greet the day with love in my heart.
3. I will persist until I succ
This book had lots of great information, but it was told in a story setting that annoyed me. I'd prefer just a list. When the book was written in 1968, Og Mandino was the most widely read inspirational ansd self-help author in the world. He believed that "failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeeed is strong enough." The life lessons were told in scrolls that were opened:
1. Today I begin a new life.
2. I will greet the day with love in my heart.
3. I will persist until I succeed.
4. I am nature's greatest miracle.
5. I will live this day as if is my last.
6. Today I will be master of my emotions.
7. I will laugh at the world.
8. Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.
9. I will act now.
10. I will pray for guidance.
Self-help books remind me of New Year's resolutions. It's good to have goals but the test comes in the follow-through.

"All people of wealth salve their conscience with gifts of gold for the poor." Reminds me of my friend who says, "People like to help, just not very much."

I found this book brilliant, profound in its message and yet simple in its delivery. It is one of those life-changing books that one can take as much or as little from, but cannot claim to be untouched by its message in some way. Although a short read in page numbers, this is not a quick read. It needs time, patience, a clear mind and a highlighter! This book was recommended to me by a dear friend and I am immensely grateful. I must add that I do not work in sales so the title puzzled me at firs I found this book brilliant, profound in its message and yet simple in its delivery. It is one of those life-changing books that one can take as much or as little from, but cannot claim to be untouched by its message in some way. Although a short read in page numbers, this is not a quick read. It needs time, patience, a clear mind and a highlighter! This book was recommended to me by a dear friend and I am immensely grateful. I must add that I do not work in sales so the title puzzled me at first. Rest assured, this book is the story about a salesman, but is certainly not confined to sales or any one group of people for that matter. It is almost a manual to living a superb life, explained through a series of scrolls. I highly recommend this read to all my friends. ...more
Dec 28, 2008 rated it really liked it
Like hearing a good rock band but being disappointed to learn they are a *Christian* rock band, I grooved to this book until the "Jesus" chorus. Thankfully, Mandino saved it for the last chapter, allowing the reader to get through the great messages and mantras without (depending on one's religious lean) feeling betrayed. Except for the Gospel lesson, this was a great and well-written story that will be like a reference book anytime I catch myself lacking courage, motivation, or laughter. Like hearing a good rock band but being disappointed to learn they are a *Christian* rock band, I grooved to this book until the "Jesus" chorus. Thankfully, Mandino saved it for the last chapter, allowing the reader to get through the great messages and mantras without (depending on one's religious lean) feeling betrayed. Except for the Gospel lesson, this was a great and well-written story that will be like a reference book anytime I catch myself lacking courage, motivation, or laughter. ...more
Aug 01, 2020 rated it it was amazing




Apr 18, 2011 rated it it was amazing
There are three books that I read on a yearly basis: "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino.

As a profession, I am not a salesman. I have never really been a salesman. That's not the reason to read this book...although it will help you in that field.

What this book does is show you simple steps to take to make important changes in your life to become "The Greatest ____________ in the World." (Fill in the

There are three books that I read on a yearly basis: "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino.

As a profession, I am not a salesman. I have never really been a salesman. That's not the reason to read this book...although it will help you in that field.

What this book does is show you simple steps to take to make important changes in your life to become "The Greatest ____________ in the World." (Fill in the blank yourself.)

Rosie Nguyá»…n
Oct 13, 2013 rated it it was amazing
Deep. Beautiful. Excellent. Containing the basic principles of life, simple but powerful, this short book can change a person's life if he applies these principles properly. I admired each word of the book, as I admire the author's biography and how he led his life through pain and misery to joy and success. Deep. Beautiful. Excellent. Containing the basic principles of life, simple but powerful, this short book can change a person's life if he applies these principles properly. I admired each word of the book, as I admire the author's biography and how he led his life through pain and misery to joy and success. ...more
Mario Tomic
Oct 18, 2014 rated it it was amazing
This book went straight into my personal favorites of all time. It's extremely motivational and will inspire you to take action to achieve your goals. I cannot recommend it enough. Don't let the title fool you, the book is not just about sales. The topic is more about general success and the 10 lessons presented in the book are evergreen wisdom. I highly recommend you to check out this book! This book went straight into my personal favorites of all time. It's extremely motivational and will inspire you to take action to achieve your goals. I cannot recommend it enough. Don't let the title fool you, the book is not just about sales. The topic is more about general success and the 10 lessons presented in the book are evergreen wisdom. I highly recommend you to check out this book! ...more
Julie Eddy
Sep 12, 2013 rated it it was amazing
Og Mandino's "The Greatest Salesman in the World"

Published in 1968 and still true today. The story is simple, yet fascinating. Mr. Mandino uses a wonderful tale to catch your attention, to teach and, in the end, to blow your mind.

I will admit, I'm not the best at self-promoting. I didn't read this to find any "tips." I heard it was a "good read" by a friend who had just finished my book and thought I would like his style.

What I found were truths that will help one through life. No surprises in

Og Mandino's "The Greatest Salesman in the World"

Published in 1968 and still true today. The story is simple, yet fascinating. Mr. Mandino uses a wonderful tale to catch your attention, to teach and, in the end, to blow your mind.

I will admit, I'm not the best at self-promoting. I didn't read this to find any "tips." I heard it was a "good read" by a friend who had just finished my book and thought I would like his style.

What I found were truths that will help one through life. No surprises in revealing the 10 ways to change your life, but the surprise is revealed in the story.

1)Any act, with practice, becomes easy
2)"love is my weapon to open the hearts..." pg.60
3)Persistance breeds success
4)Acknowledge your unique-ness
5)Live each day as if it were your last
6)Master your emotions and live with humility
7)"happiness is the wine that sharpens the taste of the meal" pg. 86--LAUGH often (THIS IS MY FAVORITE!!)
8)Compound your goals
9)Take Action (Nike used this to succeed--JUST DO IT)
10)Call on the Lord to guide you

Again, the story has so much more to it than these 10 terrific tips.I encourage readers to take the journey to finding out exactly WHO is the greatest salesman in the world???...

Sonja Arlow
A friend gave me this book and I finished it in about an hour. Its short and to the point however the ritualistic requirements for the practices in the book is not really my cup of tea.

This is one of those "fake it until you make it" type of personal growth books asking the reader to read one chapter/scroll 3 times a day for a month before going to the next chapter. It's designed to be a meditative reflection on each principle to help you overcome obstacles in your life.

The wisdom each scroll c

A friend gave me this book and I finished it in about an hour. Its short and to the point however the ritualistic requirements for the practices in the book is not really my cup of tea.

This is one of those "fake it until you make it" type of personal growth books asking the reader to read one chapter/scroll 3 times a day for a month before going to the next chapter. It's designed to be a meditative reflection on each principle to help you overcome obstacles in your life.

The wisdom each scroll contains is nothing new but perhaps we all need to sometimes be reminded that we are smart, capable and worthy of the things we desire in our lives and that bad times will always pass.

A lot of the content feels a bit cliché and perhaps its because this book was published in 1968 and we have heard these words before in some guise or another.

" True wealth is in the heart, not the purse"

"The only people who never fail are those who never try"

"Always strive to make the next hour better than this one"

If self-development is of interest you may have read this classic already.

Stu Morgan
Aug 07, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Want to improve something, anything in your life? That usually involves changing habits. This short classic parable has helped inspire many people with a heart warming story and ten scrolls, each with a short but very important lesson. In Mandino's story, the inheritors of the scrolls are told they must read each scroll morning, noon, and night for thirty days before moving to the next scroll. By doing so, the principals in each scroll become a habit. The message is powerful. Want to make a chan Want to improve something, anything in your life? That usually involves changing habits. This short classic parable has helped inspire many people with a heart warming story and ten scrolls, each with a short but very important lesson. In Mandino's story, the inheritors of the scrolls are told they must read each scroll morning, noon, and night for thirty days before moving to the next scroll. By doing so, the principals in each scroll become a habit. The message is powerful. Want to make a change, sustained repetition is the answer. Unemployed and soul searching? Want to get in shape? Having a hard time getting organized? Just want to be inspired? Read the 100 or so sparse pages through quickly or listen to the audio book while on a long trip alone, turn off the cell phone. You may be inspired to read each scroll thrice daily for thirty days - it will make a great positive change in your life. ...more
Like many others, I expected this book to be some type of manual or guide that would tell me how to become a businesswoman. I was pleasantly surprised when it was written as more of a story rather than like instructions.

A great read that may have the potential to change your life.

Btw, if you like The Alchemist, you'd probably enjoy this!!

Sam Funderburk
An incredible story that contains anecdotes for success in it's pages. The author set the tone beginning with a storyline that sets up his opportunity to put forth 10 daily habits to encompass in your daily work. Then he closes the storyline with a beautiful ending tying it all together.

Strangely enough I came to know about this book while reading a bio of Matthew Mcconaughey on IMDB, who is a famous actor that grew up in my small town of Longview Tx. He stated this book as being one of his insp

An incredible story that contains anecdotes for success in it's pages. The author set the tone beginning with a storyline that sets up his opportunity to put forth 10 daily habits to encompass in your daily work. Then he closes the storyline with a beautiful ending tying it all together.

Strangely enough I came to know about this book while reading a bio of Matthew Mcconaughey on IMDB, who is a famous actor that grew up in my small town of Longview Tx. He stated this book as being one of his inspirations for his career and success. I am normally not influenced by statements of the famous, but after reading the synopsis I was intrigued. I'm glad I was. Thank you Matthew and I wish you continued success in career, but more importantly life.

Aug 11, 2011 rated it it was amazing
It was one of the greatest book that ever read. I'm very excited about the story. The book wasn't only related to the sells. It also contains a lot of wisdom how to improve your life and how to become more excellent in everything you do. I will read that book every year ! Thank you Mr. Mandino. It was one of the greatest book that ever read. I'm very excited about the story. The book wasn't only related to the sells. It also contains a lot of wisdom how to improve your life and how to become more excellent in everything you do. I will read that book every year ! Thank you Mr. Mandino. ...more
Brandon Clay
Jan 30, 2014 rated it really liked it
I have been in sales for over 30 years and read almost ever title imaginable (Check out my shelves with more to add!)

I had resisted reading this book (seemed too trendy at the time to be relevant) until I had my first "commission only" job. The book did not provide me with closing techniques, prospecting methods, or anything that might immediately help me feed my wife and 6 month old.

It did, however, provide me with something infinitely much better...hope! That is hard to quantify, but without i

I have been in sales for over 30 years and read almost ever title imaginable (Check out my shelves with more to add!)

I had resisted reading this book (seemed too trendy at the time to be relevant) until I had my first "commission only" job. The book did not provide me with closing techniques, prospecting methods, or anything that might immediately help me feed my wife and 6 month old.

It did, however, provide me with something infinitely much better...hope! That is hard to quantify, but without it...all is lost.

I used the inspiration of this book to become a student of sales and service. I have had great success in sales and now write my own sales books - The Sales Crumbs Trilogy - that are inspiration and instructional. They have been compared to this title often but go more into the contemporary challenges of a sales person going from struggle to success.

Yes, I was inspired to engage a parable style approach due, in no small part, to this work by Og Mandino.

If you are in sales and love to quote "Glengarry Glen Ross" then this may not be a book for you.

But if you are struggling, need to find balance between your life's mission/commission, or just a refresher about what it noble about sales, then you need to read this book!

Jeff Wheeler
Jul 18, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I've heard the name Og Mandino for years, but only decided to read this book recently after seeing it recommended by Jason Hewlett. I've now added it, along with The Greatest Miracle in the World, to my bookshelf and plan to encourage my family members to read them both. They are part of the self-help category, but I learned something new from each of them. There's a lot of practical wisdom in Mandino's writing and I have since learned that he wrote this book (Greatest Salesman) in a single nigh I've heard the name Og Mandino for years, but only decided to read this book recently after seeing it recommended by Jason Hewlett. I've now added it, along with The Greatest Miracle in the World, to my bookshelf and plan to encourage my family members to read them both. They are part of the self-help category, but I learned something new from each of them. There's a lot of practical wisdom in Mandino's writing and I have since learned that he wrote this book (Greatest Salesman) in a single night during an intense 'flow' experience. I can see that he was definitely drawing on inspiration for it. I was inspired. I hope you are too. ...more
Karen Jett
Mar 31, 2010 rated it it was amazing
I selected this book based on the recommendation of a respected colleague. I thought it was going to be just another book on how to sell. When I read the first sentence, I knew that my expectations were wrong.

While this book may improve your sales, its greater message is on how to live your life so that you will be successful.

If this has piqued your curiosity at all, get a copy and read it. It's short and only takes about 2 hours to read, so do it soon.

I selected this book based on the recommendation of a respected colleague. I thought it was going to be just another book on how to sell. When I read the first sentence, I knew that my expectations were wrong.

While this book may improve your sales, its greater message is on how to live your life so that you will be successful.

If this has piqued your curiosity at all, get a copy and read it. It's short and only takes about 2 hours to read, so do it soon.

Neil Goldstone
Dec 31, 2010 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: absolutely read this book!
Recommended to Neil by: one of my many mentors
Fabulous book that I have read so many times that I have lost count. Each time I read it, I read it the way it is meant to be read, staying on each "scroll" chapter for 30 days, before moving onto the next chapter, thus taking ten months to read the book. I try to live my life by the amazing tenets handed down for centuries in these ten scrolls. If we all lived by these tenets our world would be a much more loving, peaceful, and wonder-filled place to live. Fabulous book that I have read so many times that I have lost count. Each time I read it, I read it the way it is meant to be read, staying on each "scroll" chapter for 30 days, before moving onto the next chapter, thus taking ten months to read the book. I try to live my life by the amazing tenets handed down for centuries in these ten scrolls. If we all lived by these tenets our world would be a much more loving, peaceful, and wonder-filled place to live. ...more
Nikolin Kote
Feb 15, 2016 rated it it was amazing
" Never will I pray for the material things of the world. I am not calling to a servant to
bring me good. I am not ordering an innkeeper to provide me with room. Never will I
seek delivery of gold, love, good health, petty victories, fame, success, or happiness.
Only for guidance will I pray, that I may be shown the way to acquire these things,
and my prayer will always be answered.'
" Never will I pray for the material things of the world. I am not calling to a servant to
bring me good. I am not ordering an innkeeper to provide me with room. Never will I
seek delivery of gold, love, good health, petty victories, fame, success, or happiness.
Only for guidance will I pray, that I may be shown the way to acquire these things,
and my prayer will always be answered.'
Steve Lovejoy
Sep 20, 2011 rated it it was amazing
This motivational "PMA" book is a re-read for me. While I may not agree with all the minor theories mentioned in passing, the overall premises that you and I were created for a purpose; that each of us has value;' that we all need encouragement, goals, and to fulfill said purpose are good ones.
The ultimately positive message is also a help when I am having difficulty with depression.
This motivational "PMA" book is a re-read for me. While I may not agree with all the minor theories mentioned in passing, the overall premises that you and I were created for a purpose; that each of us has value;' that we all need encouragement, goals, and to fulfill said purpose are good ones.
The ultimately positive message is also a help when I am having difficulty with depression.
Aug 22, 2021 rated it really liked it
Og Mandino and his books continue to be an inspiration. I really loved The Greatest Success in the World and enjoyed it a bit more than I did with this one.

A lot of the teachings in this book were inspiring, but a few didn't really resonate with me. I felt like they were too ideal and unrealistic and just not for everybody. Maybe it's because I'm going through a lot of mental health issues right now, and the book talks so much about being positive all the time. I'm learning to be okay with not b

Og Mandino and his books continue to be an inspiration. I really loved The Greatest Success in the World and enjoyed it a bit more than I did with this one.

A lot of the teachings in this book were inspiring, but a few didn't really resonate with me. I felt like they were too ideal and unrealistic and just not for everybody. Maybe it's because I'm going through a lot of mental health issues right now, and the book talks so much about being positive all the time. I'm learning to be okay with not being positive and happy all the time.

Nonetheless, there's so much in this book that I really appreciate. Still giving it 4 stars! ❤️ Excited to read Part II.

Jul 27, 2009 rated it liked it
Recommends it for: To those who really want a positive change in their life
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino (A Book Review)

"The Greatest Salesman in the Wolrd" is a self-help classic from best-selling author Og Mandino. It's a tiny book with some powerful principles, written in a compelling, clear style that makes for a quick read.

It tells a story of Hafid's journey from being a humble camel boy to the titular greatest salesman in the world. How his journey can also be yours. The main highlight of the book is the "The Ten Scrolls of Success" which the

The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino (A Book Review)

"The Greatest Salesman in the Wolrd" is a self-help classic from best-selling author Og Mandino. It's a tiny book with some powerful principles, written in a compelling, clear style that makes for a quick read.

It tells a story of Hafid's journey from being a humble camel boy to the titular greatest salesman in the world. How his journey can also be yours. The main highlight of the book is the "The Ten Scrolls of Success" which the casual reader might think are piecemeal advises of different sales technique. What they contain are enduring principles on how to improve your life, how the world works and how you can overcome obstacles (real or imagined). Each scroll is designed as a meditation—daily affirmation—and to take full advantage, readers should take one chapter at a time and read it daily for a month before moving on to the next. More often, readers get involved with Mandino's easy to read rhetoric and finish the entire book off in a single sitting—which I did. For the sake of those who hadn't read or heard of this book, let me beg off from revealing what the scrolls teach. I feel as if it I write it here I might be depriving you of the exciting discovery that is yours to make.

While it may seem a bit dated (it was published in 1968), the book still has some great concepts one may glean from it. This is a case of different strokes for different folks. The message is familiar to anyone who has read through self-help and success books, but is presented in a very simple format…and is primarily written for Christians. It's an interesting read and its message is something one might ponder over at times, but it's really not for people who are not willing to make positive changes in their attitudes or actions.

If, however, you really think you can change your life, and that your success depends on your habits and attitudes, this book could start some very powerful changes. It won't do the work for you, but could be a seed of positivity that begins some pretty great things for you. Mandino's message: the individual determines the quality of his or her life.

Some of my favorites passages from the book:

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."

"Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me."

"True wealth is of the heart, not the purse."

"Act now. For now is all you have."

"For now you know one of the greatest principles of success; if you persist long enough you will win."

"The only people who never fail are those who never try."

"I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy."

"Always strive to make the next hour better than this one."

Mayah Gilmer
Jan 04, 2011 rated it really liked it

Mayah Gilmer
Freshman English C
Mr. Lynch
The Greatest Salesman in the World, written by Og Mandino, was one of his bestsellers, and sold over 50 million copies. The Fredrick Fell, Inc in Hollywood published it in January of 1968. Mandino was not always a writer. He used to work for the United States Army Air Corps. He flew for 30 bombing missions in Germany during World War II. He them became an insurance salesman because he realized that not many were hiring for bombing pilots. Mandino'

Mayah Gilmer
Freshman English C
Mr. Lynch
The Greatest Salesman in the World, written by Og Mandino, was one of his bestsellers, and sold over 50 million copies. The Fredrick Fell, Inc in Hollywood published it in January of 1968. Mandino was not always a writer. He used to work for the United States Army Air Corps. He flew for 30 bombing missions in Germany during World War II. He them became an insurance salesman because he realized that not many were hiring for bombing pilots. Mandino's life soon went down hill because of alcoholism, but after his wife and child left him, he went to the library and ended up reading hundreds of books about success. There was a library in Concord, NH where he found himself reading W. Clement Stone's, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, which changed his life for the better. Soon after, Og Mandino then became a very successful writer. Germany, salesman, and success all refer to his book because they helped to form The Greatest Salesman in the World.
In Germany, Paul has been chosen to become the greatest salesman in the world. He has been working for Hafid, who was the greatest salesman, but now he has to take over for him. How would you feel if you were working for the president, and then asked to take over a whole country for him? Then the whole country rested in your hands, and counted on the decisions that you make. Paul agreed to the throne, but first he must go through the rules and challenges of becoming a great salesman. He is then sent off on a spiritual journey in Damascus, reads the ten scrolls, and faces many obstacles both good and bad to take on the full throne.
I really enjoyed the book. It was a very spiritual book because Paul must ask for God's help to help him with his journey. The book made me feel like I was actually there with Paul, and because I was able to real the rules that he had to follow, they made me think of ways to become a better person. In each scroll that he read, there was a powerful message that not only related to him, but me also, and could also relate to others if they have the chance to read it. It isn't a very suspenseful book, but it drives you to want to know what happens next after he has read the scrolls, and returns back home to seen if he has earned the throne. If you are not a person who does not believe in God, or a higher power, then I do not recommend this book to you. In almost every chapter, Og Mandino relates to God, and how you must count on him to fulfill your accomplishments. All in all, the book was very interesting, intriguing, and helpful to my knowledge.

Ashley Reynolds
I've read this book many, many times. Every time I read it, it's like the first time I read it. Although no book gives greater direction for life than the Bible, this one is incredibly lovely and helpful. It was a gift from my mom when I was younger. She told me to dwell in it's instructions. It's just a beautiful read. I've given it as a Christmas gifts to numerous friends and they've all echoed my sentiments. If you'd like to read it, let me know, and I'll buy you a copy! I've read this book many, many times. Every time I read it, it's like the first time I read it. Although no book gives greater direction for life than the Bible, this one is incredibly lovely and helpful. It was a gift from my mom when I was younger. She told me to dwell in it's instructions. It's just a beautiful read. I've given it as a Christmas gifts to numerous friends and they've all echoed my sentiments. If you'd like to read it, let me know, and I'll buy you a copy! ...more
Augustine "Og" Mandino II (December 12, 1923 – September 3, 1996) was an American author. He wrote the bestselling book The Greatest Salesman in the World. His books have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages. He was the president of Success Unlimited magazine until 1976 and is an inductee of the National Speakers Association's Hall Of Fame. Augustine "Og" Mandino II (December 12, 1923 – September 3, 1996) was an American author. He wrote the bestselling book The Greatest Salesman in the World. His books have sold over 50 million copies and have been translated into over twenty-five different languages. He was the president of Success Unlimited magazine until 1976 and is an inductee of the National Speakers Association's Hall Of Fame.

Mandino was born December 12, 1923. According to the 1930 U.S. Census, he was named after his paternal grandfather.

Mandino was once the editor of a high school paper and planned to attend the University of Missouri's journalism school. But in the summer of 1940, before Mandino was able to enter college, his mother died suddenly from a massive heart attack. This happened while Mandino's mother was in the kitchen preparing his lunch. After the incident, Mandino decided to work in a paper factory until 1942. Afterwards, Mandino joined the United States Army Air Corps where he became a military officer and a bombardier. He flew for thirty bombing missions over Germany on board a B-24 Liberator during World War II. It was also during this time that Mandino flew with fellow pilot and movie star, James Stewart. Mandino kept a personalized 8 X 10 photograph of Stewart. This photograph hung on the wall of his home office where he wrote his books.

After his military duties, Mandino discovered that many companies were not hiring many former bomber pilots. As a result, he became an insurance salesman. Traveling on the road and sitting in bars at night, Mandino became an alcoholic. He was unable to keep a job. As a result, Mandino's wife, together with their only child, left him. One wintry November morning in Cleveland, Mandino almost tried to commit suicide. But as he sorted through several books in a library, volumes of self-help, success and motivation books captured Mandino's attention. He selected some titles, went to a table and began reading. Mandino followed his visit to the library with more visits to many other libraries around the United States. He read hundreds of books that dealt with success, a pastime that helped him alleviate his alcoholism. It was in a library in Concord, New Hampshire, where he found W. Clement Stone's classic, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, a book that changed Mandino for the better.

Mandino eventually became a successful writer. His works were inspired by the Bible and influenced by Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, and Emmet Fox.


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"I will live this day as if it is my last. …I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday's misfortunes, Yesterday's defeats, yesterday's aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad?"
I will live this day as if it is my last. This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity. I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is reprieved from death. I lift mine arms with thanks for this priceless gift of a new day. So too, I will beat upon my heart with gratitude as I consider all who greeted yesterday's sunrise who are no longer with the living today. I am indeed a fortunate man and today's hours are but a bonus, undeserved. Why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I, have departed? Is it that they have accomplished their purpose while mine is yet to be achieved? Is this another opportunity for me to become the man I know I can be?"
"I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. " — 117 likes
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You Where a Good Salesman and I Was a Good Dreamer
